Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Ladies of Etheria (Part 1)

Finally decided to open some of my Princess of Power figures and boy they're awesome! So, I took them for a little spin. :)

I just downloaded some background and used a base I previously made. I used string for flight scenes and even in some 'vanilla' scenes since I find the figures really difficult to stand/pose. Take for instance Entrapta. Her hair is too heavy to achieve the post below, so, I tied her hair to a string then removed it afterwards using CS.

Let's trash this place, girls! Scorpia, Entrapta and Catra,
Octavia cometh.
Oh deary-my, let's tell the others! Madam Razz and Broom
Move! Glimmer and Storm Troopers.
I will cut you, Flutterina! Flutterina and Catra.

This is just the first part of the POP series and I can't wait or the next weekend to take photos of Sweet Bee, Light Hope and the rest of the gang. :)


Here's to show you how I achieved the final look on one of the images above:
1. I removed the glare (lower right of the raw file) by cropping the picture.
2. There are different ways to delete the (a) string and (b) glare (Flutterina's wings and sword), but, I'm comfortable using the CLONE tool in CS.
3. I have to make the base blend with the background so I used Change Color in CS to make it brownish. 
4. Then I added a black filter to desaturate the color making it more dramatic.

Also, if you are on Instagram, follow me @ toyphotographyaddict and like my FB page. Thanks!

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