Friday, March 27, 2015

Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire

Just a few more days and the Season 5 of Game of Thrones is upon us. I can't wait for the season premier so, I've decided to finally take some of the GOT figures for a photo shoot. Was able to complete series 1 of this line but, I still need 3 characters from series 2 and I hope to complete it before the season begins. I've got to say, Funko did a fantastic job with these figures in terms of articulation and overall sculpt well, except for Arya (lol) and the figures seem fragile and will break any moment.

Daenarys Targaryen.

"I'm going to break the wheel."
How I made the shot: I used a red lamp to make it look like that a dragon is breathing fire below. I added a dragon's shadow using CS then fire effects -- but, I want it subtle, so I blurred it a bit.

The Hound and Arya Stark.
Ser Gregor
Raff the Sweetling
The Tickler
Ser Amory
Ser Ilyn
Ser Meryn
King Joffrey
Queen Cersei
The Hound
How I made the shot: I used an orange lamp then used one of my dioramas (Walking Dead Funko Pop) and an LCD screen. Using CS, I added a photo filter to compliment the background color.

Jon Snow.

Watchers on the wall.
How I made the shot: Using an old diorama, I just added fog and snow effects using CS. You can just use a fog brush (you can download it for free) then a nice soft brush for the snow before applying blur (to the snow).

Robb Stark.

The King of the North.
How I made the shot: Not much editing except for smoke effect which you can also download or you can just use a brush from the preset.

White Walker's Master.
Winter is coming.

How I made the shot: Painted some branches white then using CS, I added snow effect. I used 'dodge' for the figure's eyes before replicating the layer then adding a black photo filter. In that layer, I erased the eyes making it stand out. 

Shameless plug: Would greatly appreciate it if you can like my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram @toyphotograpyaddict. Thanks, guys!


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