Thursday, May 7, 2015

May The Fourth Be With You

May the Fourth Be With You! Well, more like Revenge of the Fifth already. Ha! :)

Made these last minute images for a contest sponsored by My Wonder Factory. The first image managed to land in the Top 10 out of 167 entries and the final round is on-going.

Fighting on Kamino. 
Obi Wan Kenobi v Jango Fett.

How I made the shot? 
I made the base using foam board then added the yellow lights and reflection using CS. I used a LCD screen for the Kamino background. Like with my other flight scenes, I used a string on Jango Fett then erased it afterwards in CS. Of course, the light saber, fire and other effects were rendered using CS.

And Please vote for my entry. To vote, simple click this LINK and hit LIKE. Will very much appreciate, guys! :)  

Showdown on Coruscant. 
Mace Windu v Lord Sidious 

How I made the shot? 
Like with my previous shot, I used a LCD for the background. The base was made of styro foam then I covered it with a board before painting. Effects were rendered using CS.


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